To apply for a place at our Sixth Form for September 2025, please click here.
“A young person who is driven to make the most of the academic, social and individual opportunities available to them – in and out to school; to be curious and a lifelong learner becoming a valuable leading member of the local and national community. Ultimately to have mastery of their thinking, behaviour and ambitions to lead a fulfilling life”.
At Holcombe we have a MASTERY, ENDEAVOUR and THINKING mindset to challenge every student to be their best self.
Our HPA students are identified using both external standardised tests and internal data based on achievement, attainment and behaviour. The students attend extra-curricular clubs, weekly meetings to stretch themselves academically, socially and cognitively.
Successful engagement with the academic programme is rewarded, foremost by praise and recognition and better interpersonal and communication skills, however other rewards for students who are currently being their best self, have included:
HPA students are expected to regularly interact with resources to widen their understanding of themselves and the world we live in. This website includes magazines such as National Geographic, “the world renowned periodical examining modern Geography, Science and Natural History,” New Scientist, “a leading weekly publication looking at the world of science, nature and technology” to Prospect, “full of contemporary think pieces about current issues and opinions in modern western society.”