Interested in applying for Sixth Form at Holcombe Grammar School in September 2025?

To apply for a place at our Sixth Form for September 2025, please click here.

More Able

Higher Prior Attainers (HPA)

“A young person who is driven to make the most of the academic, social and individual opportunities available to them – in and out to school; to be curious and a lifelong learner becoming a valuable leading member of the local and national community. Ultimately to have mastery of their thinking, behaviour and ambitions to lead a fulfilling life”.

At Holcombe we have a MASTERY, ENDEAVOUR and THINKING mindset to challenge every student to be their best self.

Our HPA students are identified using both external standardised tests and internal data based on achievement, attainment and behaviour. The students attend extra-curricular clubs, weekly meetings to stretch themselves academically, socially and cognitively.

Successful engagement with the academic programme is rewarded, foremost by praise and recognition and better interpersonal and communication skills, however other rewards for students who are currently being their best self, have included:

  • Open Days at The University of Cambridge, Queen’s College (Year 10 and Year 12)
  • Pathways at Higher Education Day at Canterbury Christchurch University (Year 7, 8 and 9)
  • Crest Award Engagement
  • Entries into the Radio 2500 word short story competition (Years 7-9)
  • Step Up to Cancer Bake-off
  • Meetings to discuss topical issues and share ideas, learning from experts and each other
  • Mock Interviews (individual and panel) in preparation for Oxbridge interviews (with Year 13 and staff across specialist areas)
  • Year 13 led workshops (“Raising aspirations and choosing pathways”) with small groups (Years 7-12)
  • Subject and Thinking Scholl Ambassadors representing the Programme on Open Days – engaging and raising awareness of the growth mindset and benefits of a extra-curricular programme to external parties
  • Presentations to peers on specialist areas of interest practising public speaking skills and fielding questions to an audience (Years 7-9)
  • Termly celebrations with doughnuts and sweets!


Useful Resources

Useful websites and sources for students to stretch and challenge their learning

HPA students are expected to regularly interact with resources to widen their understanding of themselves and the world we live in.

Key Stage 3 and 4

  • Students pick a single project or series of challenges that will allow them to meet the criteria for their selected Award level (Bronze, Silver or Gold). These projects can be around any STEM topic or theme. When applying for university or for an apprenticeship, CREST Awards are highly regarded by admissions officers and employers as having a CREST Award demonstrates an understanding of the scientific method. Also, having a CREST Awards shows that you possess useful skills, such as problem solving, creating thinking, decision making and project management.
  •  and These resources aim to ensure that all learners have the skills, knowledge, attitudes and aspirations to develop a good understanding of themselves, the full range of opportunities available to them, and the capacity to achieve their ambitions and manage the challenges of employment in the 21st Century. The resources are designed to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks and Ofsted requirements in relation to Careers development.

Key Stage 3 to 5

  1. Subject choice: A Levels and Degrees
  2. Thinking about university (especially suitable for pupils in their final years of school)
  3. How to show passion for your subject (especially suitable for pupils in final years of school)
  4. Life at university: accommodation and living at university (especially suitable for pupils in final years of school)
  5. Life at university: clubs and societies (especially suitable for pupils in final years of school)
  6. University applications
  7. Life at university: studying at university
  8. Life at university: beyond your degree

Key Stage 4 and 5

  • The University of Cambridge Super-Curriculum Suggestions is a very comprehensive list of websites relating to the courses that are offered and the suggested reading and research in each area. To view the document, please see here.
  • The best aspect of the super-curricular activities is that there are no exams or deadlines to worry about – you are free to follow your own lines of enquiry into the areas that interest you the most. Rather than seeing this as a ‘tick box exercise’ to give you something to write about in your personal statement, you should take time to explore things that you genuinely find interesting and see where your investigations lead you.
  • Any young person can do their Duke of Edinburgh Award (DoE), regardless of ability, gender, background or location. Achieving an Award isn’t a competition or about being first. It’s all about setting personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries. Through a DofE programme young people have fun, make friends, improve their self-esteem and build confidence. They gain essential skills and attributes for work and life such as resilience, problem-solving, team-working, communication and drive, enhancing CVs and university and job applications. Top employers recognise the work-ready skills Award holders bring to their business.
  • is a useful starting point
  • for a range of factual and fiction podcasts

MAGAZINES AND ONLINE RESOURCES TO ACCESS: This website includes magazines such as National Geographic, “the world renowned periodical examining modern Geography, Science and Natural History,” New Scientist, “a leading weekly publication looking at the world of science, nature and technology” to Prospect, “full of contemporary think pieces about current issues and opinions in modern western society.”

Details of all the site of the resources listed above can be found on the original websites: